A woman in red dress talking on her cell phone.

Going to make new Tab for the music so you can download all of it.

It would be Download Music And that would have the blog part for the finished albums organized and the download links, not sure yet. Or 2 tabs where 1 says Download Music & one says Albums, not sure different ways to link it and do it all under Gabe94.com

If I do it like this it would make everything less expensive on my end for the web design part, I am considering doing that. And I have been famous for a long time and had my old website have music for over a decade with fair use music.

But then again maybe some kids can’t look at the blog but only the music then if that is the case just download the music and parental controls to block the website, I assume that is what should happen.

I would have to go through old posts on Music and remove them if they link augusto94.com

So, prepare for some change in the coming times. Like I said my cost overall would be a lot less, so I am thinking of doing that soon.

I did extend the links till 2033 or whatever, I don’t know where I will be but graduated by then hopefully. I am such a slouch.

When the Sun Goes Down Selena Gomez album

Tracy Morgan: Bona-Fide Full Special 18+

I got 2 high at the airport 18+ I feel connected to Erick Khan positive vibes my homie

The Pimp Chronicle Pt 1 Full show Katt Williams 18+

The Universe As You Know It Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph Astrum

Name A country in America