Eminem Quest Series (4 total)

I could have been more specific but I may take my time with the rest, and when you work with others they want to put their input so I can’t do everything.

Quest 1: Shady’s Last Stand

Summary: In this quest you need to kill all the people black mailing Eminem and trying to slander his name. About 20 of them total, you need to find their 20 locations.

Quest requirements:

70 Prayer and 70 Alternative Prayer

80 Rock Climbing level

High Skill levels

FBI Skill

First step: Talk to Eminem, you find him on Planet of the Ultra-Famous (Ultra Shine Home-World)

You meet his daughter Hailey who is an adult she is married, and you may need to have helped her with a quest before called “Beat up my Bad Boyfriend” and Eminem loves you for that and you can talk to him and quest for him.

You talk to him at his mansion by the pool. And this is the conversation:

Eminem: I got some people black mailing me for my old lyrics, I wasn’t proud of all of them, and I made so many mistakes. I talked about slipping a roofie in a girls drink, I talked about pedos who loved children, and I did so much bad shit.

You: Well at least you’re rich now.

Eminem: You need to hunt down these guys who are black mailing me, not because it will ruin me, I just want you to be my homie.

You: Alright brother I will

Eminem: Do you listen to my stuff?

You: I do, and I listen to Drake and Augusto Gabe

Eminem: That guy is crazy, just remember he is the craziest nigga in the world.

You: Oh my God you said the word!

Eminem: Just for today, go kill these bitches who camp and try to destroy us.

I will only work on 3 locations:

On Planet Earth is one: Los Angeles Portal

You go there and “you use the FBI skill to track them” and they are hiding like cowards in a neighborhood called The Hood of Blackmailers and you use the FBI Warrant level 3 possibly to break in once you spy on them coming home.

You need to use Melee on them, Sun & Moon Melee is the best and you will fight 3 of them Fat Tony the Blackmailer level 850 & Suzanne the Nut level 950 & Joshua the Lunatic level 1,250

Maybe higher combat levels not sure on how strong they should be.

2nd Location: Planet of Ogres (Ogre Realm)

You: Trace them and find “The Ogre Family of Hatefulness” level 1,300 + 7 of them total, and they got crazy names like “Nasty Natasha” & “Renzo The Dope Head” (Those are 2 people I remember from my child hood and I love them dearly lol, they were so cool, Renzo was an atheist man. He probably remembers the time a cockroach jumped on my jeans when I was skinny)

3rd Location: Planet Old Money (Old Royal Money Planet)

You: Trace the cousin of a guy who lost his inheritance, and he lives with his brothers who are better off. He has so much hateful stuff about Eminem online it is ridiculous, and you bust down the door with FBI warrant and say you are dead, and you whoop his ass but he takes a bad drug in the cut scene and he becomes level 6,005 and he is strong.

Etc. 20 locations. For Eminem, there could be more to the quest, but this was a basic one. Maybe you could take a strong drug to become stronger for 10 or 15 minutes in the battle.

Quest 2: Perform in Dubai with Shady

Quest 3: Music to be Murdered By

Quest 4: Slay the Evil Twins of Eminem

The Videos:

Overkill start of game I got this today at the start of the game

Future Hndrxxx Presents: The WIZRD (Future today is your day my nigga enjoy the spotlight)