And I want to be forgiven with some of my fans, don’t care about the asshole fans lol.

I wanted to be forgiven for my racial past for my stupid comments but f**k them if they don’t want to forgive, I will just do my best to do my best today and be a better person tomorrow, and improve with my website, music, and sobriety.

My dad who molested me the biological one was very racist and had racist jokes about Asians and black people. And he hated that Kanye and jay z said nigga in their music when I was listening to it. I have had racial moments in my life, but to be honest I shouldn’t get mad when that dumb girl called me the R word in rehab, and I blew it all out of proportion.

Since I’m a Hispanic I know people may call me that word, but I shrug it off. And Kramer from Seinfeld Michael Richard’s could have had a career after that n word incident at the club, but he chose not to.

Some black people from the ghetto robbed my dad’s car once, and it was when I was younger and I just wanted to hurt them, but they were probably junkies, but that will be left at that, you would be mad too.

But if you don’t forgive me and still like me, I am okay with that, if you want to forgive me, just for being dumb in my past that is even better. My dad the one who molested me, used to fill my head with racist thoughts, and to be honest, it is not your fault if you turned out racist, you could have been raised my a molester who was racist, I am 30 now, and I was born in 1994, and I know to much I have wisdom and I still have more wisdom then you young punks in your 20s and 15 year olds who read my work, you have no idea what is ahead of you in life.

And cherish your therapist and mother, because when you f up, you going to need them, and it is better to be honest with your boss about your mistakes.

Trapped In The Sun

We Don’t Trust You
