Things about my uncle that are creepy what he said to me once (Was Eminem undercover? Or Recruited)

I think what made me a creep in the past, was how I was molested by my biological dad for sure, and how maybe my grandma stopped my uncle from trying to do that with me. He is a super religious seventh day Adventist, and he basically would say things to me when I Was like 16 about how “Have a clean ass” he would say that in Spanish.

I also had thoughts of arousal of him during that time, so not sure, but in reality, I should just make Eminem Relapse remake, with those crazy songs about getting molested, let me see if I Can find those songs for you to listen to them.

I guess I can relate to Eminem’s offensive lyrics because of all the fucked shit I went through the Slim Shady LP was hilarious in a bad way, but I have tried to cleanse my brain from listening to that. Because Eminem said some shit like “So what, you had your little coochi in your dad’s mouth” and I know Eminem was working with the FBI and police to catch predators by making that a popular song, but in reality Eminem should come forward one day on admitting to this sort of stuff, I like his stuff a little better then Drake’s but Drake says nigga and I love that a lot.

“I Was born with a dick in my brain, yeah fucked in the head, my biological father said, that I sucked in the bed.” That is a good line I could remake. Lol!

It is a good thing that I didn’t turn out as a pedo, and I got counseling and help, and not only that I never had kids but I think I could one day.

Eminem Relapse Deluxe (one of my favorite albums of all time)

This one is funny but it is not the step father in my situation it is the biological father and possibly an uncle.

Eminem Relapse

Eminem Slim Shady LP

Heartbeat (Remix Bundle) Childish Gambino