Remember the time & Other

Remember the time I talked about how my medicine puts me to sleep at night and I type like I am hanging out with dinosaurs in my sleep or like Steve Jobs is connected to me in my sleep restoring my brain. Why can’t I remotely think I am connected with Geniuses in my sleep like it was my death, and I wake up restored and connected, why can you think Jesus is God, that makes no sense, how is that fair?

Sun tanning once a week for me in the sun, so I don’t get skin cancer and wow after 15- or 20-minutes half the time on back half the time other side I feel so much better.

And you know how people say, “I feel like people are always doing something better than me.” Or you wish “I was in their family or in their conversation” later you realize when you blog if your fans talk about you then you realize you are just like them, and they are just like you. We are human.

I could try Ozempic tomorrow maybe I get nauseated for a week, but I am ahead on my homework stuff, we will see maybe not sure yet. Could try it when school finishes. Not sure yet.

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The Weeknd Trilogy

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