I had to learn to correct conspiracies

Like I realized Jesus is not reading my website in heaven, but in my theory if he was dead he realized it was wrong to call himself God and he can live through our eyes as humans and maybe he sees the website that way is a spiritual belief.

But if I say he invented wifi and technology and give no credit to the inventors and finders of the internet. Then I would sound insane, like “Oh Jesus brought technology to us, or wow God brought us Wifi” the reality is man kind found that.

And it is also delusional to think we come back to life in reincarnation as other people. Similar to believing in hell and heaven and in an old bible that tells us to kill people with different beliefs. Let us be crystal clear, you don’t have to agree with what I say, but I am allowed to be an agnostic or an atheist who believes in good things. Spiritual Atheism.

Give the brilliant minds who created the internet and all that credit and Airplanes and cars and Gasoline, and stop complaining about Dubai making trillions, they do share and pass it down, now twin parents is a conspiracy I shouldn’t believe or think about but maybe there is some truth to that since I witnessed my mom being super tall during that scary time. Unless you think I am bullshitting and I don’t take acid and shrooms never have.

Can’t wait to do medical weed vape again but may just deliver it to me, hate driving to the store and may not start it yet, may wait till school is done. I need my stimulant again to avoid me gaining wait if I do it. And only do it at 1pm or 2pm or 5pm depending on the day and vape it till night. I also have quit it for many years, so that cycle may repeat where I give it up for 6 months or years and go back to it.

And Dope As Yola and many other celebrities on YouTube or in general could be cops and that could be the truth or recruited informants, and you could never prove it. They could just kick you out or laugh at you or threaten you if you try to call them out on it.

What do you think of the drug bust ones, I mean shoot a fentanyl dealer and you did the world a favor, I would never turn you in for that. I think most people in the community would protect you for that. Or heroin at that, who knows.

But legalize prostitution. That is how I feel. But it is okay if you feel differently.

Also another conspiracy is you could never know a cop or a face mask used, but a bad conspiracy is “People think people get murdered” which is something bad I used to think, all the time about everyone which is simply not the case which is why Captain and so many other songs I made sounded like serial killers I described.

How Much I Smoke in a Day

The Thai Stick

When cops save kids from Creepy Uncles

Cops Allegedly Find enough fentaqnyl to kill 100,000 people in suspect’s car

Traffic Stop turns into a 2 million dollar cocaine bust

Traffic Stop Turns into a massive drug bust

Mas Musica Alma + Sexo Ricky Martin