New song Angelic Girl, 1 more song left to do till I can record & Message of potential break not sure

Eventually I may get to a point where I don’t post for just 3 days or a week, not sure if I will last, I think I can. Maybe starting Friday, not sure yet. Maybe because I may try to make friends or something not sure. I am so bad at flirting, just should be myself, its okay if not everyone likes me.

But when I do break I will let you know. May have a special girl coming one of these days, won’t get into the details, I got a skinny white one I love and a Hispanic one with a big butt, damn I need some help. I better not be paying for women in my 30s, as soon as I turn 30 I will be flirting with women all the time, you will see. Maybe I should take the benzo to relax me when I go flirt. Nah.

And I will let you guys know how school goes, gonna stay on my meds omg. Love these meds man.

Just need a break. but maybe I do need like a week break or something so I can go out more, and meet people. Oof I care so much about my young and old fans who just want entertainment.

1 song left to do after this one, then I can record all 16 songs I got the beats.

Angelic Girl

Verse 1:

Ohh yeah, your my angelic girl

I wanna take some drugs tonight fly high

Raise my tolerance level up fly high

My niggas be Wesley the white boy

Josh the web designer boy

iQue the waiter slash music producer boy

iQue the only hispanic besides me

Call that half and half

(I sing about my life now, can’t you tell) x2

(I rap about the things around me) x2

I will make you feel so angelic tonight baby



Okay I am going to go sober now

Ween myself off these strong pills

No promothezine in sight

I felt so high like I was on an endless flight

(No worries my angelic girl it is all going to be alright) x2

Flying so high off these old thoughts

My angelic girl, you are (perfect) x2


Verse 2:

Good thing we aren’t in Mexico, doing lines

We would be paying the police fines

I always settled for 7 or 8 girls but I like nines

I am a little chubby like Mod Ash

I am so shy a coward at heart

Maybe another benzo tonight fresh start

(Play with Wesley some video games) x2

(Own them at Halo and call of duty) x2

(My Angelic girl would have to play with me sometimes) x2




Verse 3:

You are flying so far past the sky

Nothing is perfect, no one is perfect baby except for you

No just kidding your butt is a little to big

But I love it, just let it be near my big

Holding down the fort for these young ones

Entertaining the youth is all I have ever done

I have to much fun with you baby girl, hopefully you aren’t done

(Going to take it easy and doze off) x2

(I don’t take naps anymore but I do love your feet on and off) x2

My angelic girl (be prepared I will take you to another world) x2

SAD TRAP 5 mp4

Sad Trap 8 Mp4 Forgive me

Trappin in paradise 110