My Delusion (Fictional Writing) about the CIA etc.

Eventually I will take break, not sure I will let you know.

So eventually going to try and go out and meet girls, got to see one girl soon to spend this small wad of cash since I will never be as big as Drake. But I will enjoy her and the moment, she allows bare but I may use it, omg should I. Lmao one of my female fans is gonna shoot me one day or take me. Enjoy this delusional fictional writing below:

Delusional thinking that I once thought was real in the past.

I feel like I have spoken or been watched over by people who have difficult jobs in the CIA. I know this to be a delusion of course. I feel like I am guided sometimes throughout my life. But I need the meds I take in order to help tell me what is real and what is not real.

I gave up on trying to be a private individual who finds a girlfriend and just focuses on that relationship. I would like a girlfriend one day and or a wife eventually who understands my mental condition.

I do know it is fictional to say just about anything about the government and the CIA, I blame that Emma Watson video of her taking off the mask for making me think murder or undercover work is legal. I mean murder is a terrible thing, as long as you know it is a difficult job.

Hitmen would go to jail, etc. so why do I even care, maybe because I want to be recruited when I am much older in the CIA or somehow understand their purpose. I would imagine that only serious criminals or money launderers would go to prison where they so called belong for all the lies they have told.

I try to live an honest life so I can be loved and respect by my adoring fans, millions hopefully young and old. As long as you know murder is wrong for any of us to comprehend and you understand it is a delusion to get justice like the way you see in the movies.

One of the stupid things I did in my past during my manic episode was discuss murder like it was legal for the CIA to do it, and I was to much into those conspiracies, all delusions of course. Things like Pablo Escobar was a mask and he wore a disguise and was eliminating drug dealers or locking them up a bit of both.

So here is the thing, you are not supposed to say things like that because it can trigger a reader or a person, and it is tempting to be like Shady and say something stupid here. (insert here) but I won’t.

To many conspiracies I have had! Some I still have for fictional writing, as long as you know it’s a delusion to believe it. But murder is morally wrong and I don’t think I would ever be capable of such a thing, but I do respect the cops and CIA for hunting down the bad guys for either jails or whatever their punishment is, they serve and protect like the Army. My brother was in the army he had a crazy 6 pack, now he just a fatty and he smoke his weed and take his pills. Lol. 

One of my favorite mixes below:

Dangerously Seductive Chillout Chillstep Mix (Vol. 1)


420 Mix Smooth Sounds