Good morning Racing thoughts, slowed down.

Its funny that on album 13 I sing about drugs at times, dreaming about it. But I don’t do drugs in my personal life. I guess I like making fun of addiction like a Family Guy Episode. But in a song. LOL

I’m watching the Simpsons seasons 35, it is really good I think I have seen up to season 33 or 34, I am a huge fan of The Simpsons, Rick and Morty, and Family Guy. American Dad got a little boring, it tries so hard not to offend anyone. And South park has its moments but it is a little to satirical with kids who just run their mouth.

I promise I will never do drugs ever again, unless its prescribed. I once told my sponsor in Rehab dam I will miss my parents, but I could be far in my life, I have no idea what I will do overall besides the game design, I think besides school I got nothing else to look forward to except making posts for the adults and children.

I could always get maybe a small pre-inheritance when I graduate the second school and maybe move to Los Angeles and perform Stand Up all the time and get a simple apartment, and try to work at a game company there, or maybe I start in Orlando, which is where I live. No idea.

Lastly: I have thought about what a job would look like. There is benefits of making friends and maybe I could sleep with a cute co-worker since I am single but then again its not a great motivator, and restaurant jobs pay crap, they don’t pay a lot, and being a server is hard. I think even if I could pull it off, my heart loves website posting, music making. If I had to work, I wouldn’t be able to make music and do posts ever again. I probably will do 4 classes or 3 at a time depending for when I get to the school that matters the most.

When I was in rehab, I was like “I am going to stop seeing these girls” and I am going to get a job and get in a relationship. I was like so certain, but in reality the medication I take makes me just regress back to myself, is it okay to be different. I lost like 2 pounds on the Trifecta I think, I can’t tell, it’s a good meal, some of the breakfast ones I don’t like, but I microwave them out of laziness, so maybe that is my fault.


Midnight Drive 1 hour

TTR Mint Auditor Supervisor play test supervisor

TTR Club President Supervisor play test (both difficulties)

TTR Factory Foreman Supervisor Playtest

Highly Unstable Overclocked F.T.F TCC

Trappin in paradise 67

Chainsaw Consultant Boss Fight TCC