Great music news:

Great music news in general. I think with this project “The Spiritual Atheist” I will make 8 of the beats or more original rap, and the other 8 like Trilogy will have singing. I may even move Trilogy of Augusto Gabe over the lyrics by re recording it all again, may change some of the lyrics or may keep it exactly the same. That is like 17 songs I need to use and reuse some beats twice, we will see.

And with the other original beats like Captain and Bugatti Crime, I may redo those songs but I won’t delete those, and may use Augusto Reborn lyrics, and keep that fresh.

Not sure overall what else to do besides do that, so my projects could be on YouTube and get real views and followers, its not like I have a music career or investors, I am just doing it for fun. The instrumentals are coming out real good from the guy I am paying. And I have considered to use logic or some program to make beats in the future, and practice maybe during my transition between one college to another if I have a small or long break in between. Since working is not for me unless it’s a Game Design company, I could do that better then working tables or at a gas station. I am a little more fortunate then most financially.

And even though I wish I did live in Los Angeles at times, I am fortunate to enjoy the solidity, and tranquility of Orlando and the visits to Miami which I haven’t done in ages. Them Miami Escorts 1,000s over there, here in Orlando more slim pickings unless you go pick one up and my mom doesn’t want me to do that like in the past. I could imagine if I got busted picking one up Mark would laugh at me in the office and say “Why are you doing that?” And I need to explain for the umpteenth time “Girls reject me because I am fat” and that is the sad truth about dating apps and stuff.

Oh Drake said he is going to work with Party Next Door, yeah nigga.

And as for taking Demons Can Be forgiven 2 lyrics, which are saved and my older lyrics may or may not redo those, may just reinvent from there on and may make it really better then the copyrighted stuff, but it gave me room to grow.

Party next door playlist

Party Next door another playlist

Drake slowed reverb playlist (found a good one)


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