More music thoughts & I got baking soda I got baking soda

So, when I Said I was born with the baby boomers, it just sounded cool but you could look at it like “Some of their spirits guide me since they are dead” and I feel born in them. I believe in people and not in deities.

I look forwarded to recording Augusto Reborn probably under The Spiritual Atheist title, and I can make 3 or 5 of those albums. And I will try not to do ripped instrumentals but if I do and if they are too good to be true, I make a few only and re record those songs with original beats. The guy switched his price on me last minute so got to wire, basically 1,000 for 6 beats but they were fire. Going to see if I can buy a bigger bulk to get me down to 150 or 140 ish a beat. And Trilogy of Augusto Gabe going to be re recording from scratch on different beat tempos under The Spiritual Atheist name could be album 1 or 2, not sure yet.

Since I am not as big as Drake don’t expect me to share them so you can rip them, yeah, my computer and Snowden is looking right at you my n. You know who you is. Lol.

But I do plan on getting Logic or some beat making program and practicing. I have a cousin who has a home studio who I am not willing to drive to, plus my guy works great besides being late sometimes, and I mainly want beats from him and the other guy, if I could gather 16 or 20 beats I can work on a big project and make it special and have it done in a month between me and the producer. 3 takes, and he would be able to make the effects so much greater.

And I have always written my own lyrics, always, and the few times I take a few copy lyrics are from big artists then I modify them and improve on it.

That was me in the hospital when my mom gave me to many vitamins, man I watered it down to Mitacore, and Omega, 4 and 1 of those, and 2 herbal type pills that make you constipated with my lunch but it helps kill a virus I have. And lysine at night, and I drink the small spoon of baking soda with Apple Cider Vinegar the Raw kind mixed in a cup of water, because it can damage your teeth straight. That will make me enjoy the toilet a few times but man we all need that release.

And I saw a video of someone saying how bad baking soda was and the comments section was explaining about 90 year olds who were their parents who lived into their 90s drinking baking soda daily. I should try the baking soda with just the water to see if it has the same effect. It is also prescribed to help vertigo which I have, dizziness, because it has sodium and if I drink to many waters I won’t get dizzy.

Penthouse Tour w/Yola (love this guy I watch him a lot, man if I could do weed one day when I am off all my meds or maybe just clean off everything one day it is the only way to lose weight, I may try something like Ozempic before school or wait till break)

V sauce every 2 letter Scrabble Word

Kanye West 30 hours

Beginner Vs. Expert Music Producer Can you hear the difference?

The many scams of the music producer industry

Kanye West Talks to TMZ stands by Antisemitism says he can’t be canceled Look he could apologize, and maybe he should I think its bad to hate the jews, but Eminem never gets canceled, go look up his lyrics.

Kendrick Lamar Album good kid, m.A.A.d city