Great news, got a friend’s studio going to record

Great news like in the title, going to be private about it and work there, and my cousin burned a bridge with me when he cussed at me saying stuff like “Fam I want nothing to do with your project.” I still love him, but man he flipped on me. And according to the guy who fixed studio equipment, he said the mic works and did it in front of me, and so my cousin lied to me about it not working and my ex producer who may still mix and master for me, for 110ish per song, he is still good at that, but he lied to me about the mic also.

I could have chosen to just have him use his mic that he brings to my house, but in all honesty, may just do it this way, and get the sessions for him to mix and master and edit, because he also has access to the wav files and it is a dirty trick producers do with each other in order to make sure I continue doing business with them, unless I should just pay more from this other friend and use mp3s for the most part, the project won’t sound as good at the end.

And by the way the drugs you give to pedos who you usually don’t know are pedos make them go touch up on kids etc. So think about that next time you think dealers are blameless, now as for escorting decriminalize and legalize it.

Found some scary videos here enjoy and music.

The Death of Slim Shady Coup De Grace Got to listen to this one it was good.

Killer thinks he got away until cops find this clue Yeah you say you hate the cops, till they solve or rescue people, so think again.

Cops Arrest Teen girl refuses to believe she’s been kidnapped (This one is crazy)

Inside Florida’s Insane 250,000,000 year cop city

Vegas Stripper shares her weirdest stories