The hardest thing to give up was Christianity

It was hard for me to give up my Christianity, I was raised to believe these things. Maybe I took my religion too far at times as well in my previous works. Is it wrong to believe in miracles or angels, is also true about is it a delusion to believe in that sort of stuff? And is it a delusion to run around saying you’re the son of God like Jesus, and what proof do we have that he was raised from the dead.

I admire Christians for keeping the faith I suppose, Jesus didn’t deserve to die, and medical treatment for his delusions didn’t exist around his time from what I know, but in reality my own delusions and my own life is so much like Christ, that I have hung out and slept with prostitutes, I tell people to follow me, I talk about my day to day.

50% may like or love my work and 50% may tolerate it or hate it because they think it’s obnoxious or maybe they think, sometimes I make sense, and some other times I don’t make any sense at all. I am getting laid Friday so wish me luck.

Once a week is all I need, got to switch some meds around if I try weed again but may wait till the school break may be graduated soon or not.

If I could smoke weed on the weekend and vape it on the weekday it would be grand but of course I am too stubborn. Maybe it doesn’t go well with my current medication so I may avoid it all together, some meds do go well with it.

If I only spent my money on weed and saved it and saw the girl once a month I could save a lot more, and going to try to save 2 grand a month out of the amount I get, if I saw a girl once a week, but we will see, I should do that, just call the bank and put it in a CD where I can’t touch it.

I hope to never post racial or bad insensitive stuff online ever again, but then again you can wink at my ignorance if I don’t believe Jesus saves people, maybe he is just remembered as a God in a way because of how he died, but my personal beliefs do make me believe there is an after life that is kind of like Interstellar the movie with 4 dimensional aliens guiding us, and maybe living our lives through existing people. Not sure of a glorious heaven. That would be selfish to the mortals on Earth.

But I may get my ID in the near future for the Marijuana, and buy and hold it, my mom will give me shit if I use her money. Might as well save mine and beg her for scraps. Shake your head in disappointment at me that is fine. Maybe I need a black or Hispanic girl since I am Hispanic and Italian.

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