Guess what I learned tonight & 3 Recordings

Great news everyone, like the Futurama professor. I got the courage to ask the beat maker my guy hooked me with if the beats I pay 150 each for is exclusive to me. And he explained that it was exclusive to me, and it will stay that way, and if I ever made anything out of it, that he would like to get something. Maybe I will die a legend like Michael Jackson one day or maybe just movies about me and such the kid from Orlando.

I may try to jump to the Pablo album with pablo-like beats by Kanye west, and make it a spiritual atheist 2 album, not sure yet.

The deal one beat maker had for me was 160 depending on the bundle per beat but it is leased, and I would have to share it with other artists, and I was pissed at that, he is the guy I recorded great songs with. And the cousin who is so mad at me that he has problems of his own doesn’t get back to me, no matter how much I apologize for comments that make no sense, and he hates that I work with studios and this other guy, and he hates that I still like my music producer regardless of our relationship.

I also unfortunately don’t know if I trust my cousin or my main producer on giving him my mic to fix because the guy at the shop said nothing is wrong with it, and he tested it in front of me, so I am willing to still work with him to record or mix and master he just needs to bring his mic and I could just buy another mic not as good as that one, I don’t want to get ripped off.

Besides that, look I am going to get Instant release of Adderall hopefully and vape weed on school break or near the end to see how I function while doing math if it doesn’t work just stop the stuff. I don’t drink coffee any more and I function so much better and I remember vomiting for 2 days when I quit it cold turkey because I drank 2 pots of it a day, and it also makes you look older as well if you drink it.

Coffee is like Cocaine it causes a rage hormone inside me I think. I will not stay mad at my cousin for being a total jackass, I will leave it at that, it will be funny when he begs to come to my homes when I am older and he realizes I get cold hearted and then he is the one who would have to apologize to me. I did nothing wrong dude! Get over yourself.

Trappin in Paradise 50 (I played this one a lot in rehab)

The Assassin’s Water Bottle

That moment he was really about that life (I did Karate too and I am a little fat)

The Fact she knows it’s her man

The neighbor came over after they had a loud party

Official Private servers are coming to OSRS

Synthetic Sloth Inhale

Military Man Gets Tough with Disrespectful Son

I Investigated an Active Serial Killer in Austin, Texas

Comedian makes heckler cry

When Cops Catch predator couples in the act

Jaw breakers Synthetic Sloth

Drugged out Synthetic Sloth