Memories gone soon

Soon this web page in a week or sooner without any warning may have a coming soon page and it will be getting the other theme I mentioned which doesn’t have the security issues this one has, and I will need to repost everything or my top 40 or 50 posts or however many I feel like posting, my music and download the music for sure.

So, when I am ready I get my web designer on the job for 100 dollars extra he gives me fair pricing, and just let him do his thing. Since I have WordPress on this site paid up till over 2031, or something like that, and it is a hassle to transfer those things. I also advertise on gaming this website, so some of you find me through gamers, I don’t advertise it in person anymore the way I used to, rarely.

So, this may or may not be my last post till I hand over the keys to my web designer and it will be all from scratch. The Media Library should stay intact but if not I can reupload images and mp3s, but enjoy what you can of it before its gone. It will come without warning.

The storm may have slowed down me graduating by the end of this year hopefully not, I am waiting to hear back from a committee that gives alternatives to that test which is obnoxious to study for and complete. The Hurricane came right when I had that meeting in a morning.

She Cooks Your Left over McDonalds for profit

Police Give Rebellious Woman a Lesson She Won’t Forget

Eminem Kamikaze

Drizzlin in Japan Drake Mix Chill Af

© Copyright - The Augusto Gabe Show