I DID IT! Paid the 1,125 Dollars to my guy to TAKE OUT the N Word on The Spiritual Atheist

I want to be able to drop this, but it has the n word on it, and I also could wait to release the version without it and sell it and maybe release some or all, and if you want to throw some support buy 1 or 2 songs, who knows.

On the fence on releasing, it right now, since I am trying not to release that, and it was only 15 songs out of the 18 with it, LMAO I got a potty mouth. Blame Drake the Justifier and all the rap I have listened to.

The Alternative to the civic seems easy for some, it is unlimited attempts I am hoping I get it done by November, and a history teacher is nice enough to proofread my stuff and give me tips on Citation MLA citation as well as what I should remove or comment more on. And compared to the Civic test of multiple-choice nonsense and tons of questions it is like a cake walk. However not 100% sure if I will pass it by this fall. It is 80/20 or 50/50 because I may get 1 or 2 attempts before I lose my mind.

She will let me know more good news in the morning, I worked on it all day for like 2 or 3 days nonstop and I didn’t use my Adderall since 1 class I got is all submitted and done waiting for him to grade it, easy A or high B, and then the math class just 1 test coming up. And besides that, it would be a guaranteed pass unless a hurricane hits us to close till then. But then again, the Hurricane is actually going to hit us soon according to some news articles.

I also got the Benzo Kolodpin prescribed 3 refills on it 60 at a time, I would take 1 a day probably, to ease my anxiety have the Adderall for school and the antipsychotic for stabilizing my thoughts, a trinity combo. As long as the kolodopin doesn’t make me hungry, otherwise I will stop using it. The Buspar wasn’t a bad choice but the withdraw is crazy annoying and it made me to hungry one night, so I stopped it.

So, I will wait to drop the album till it is all removed may not release the dirty n bomb version. Until the day I become a professional musician if that ever happens I would keep all my free projects up for people but again my new stuff gets better each year and each decade.

The Adderall makes me cranky sometimes but with a Kolodopin I would be chill. As long as you don’t abuse them.


Legends Never Die Playlist

We Got Married!

I Talk to Water

I Spent a day with Rednecks

I Spent a day with a computer science Stanford students

I spent a day with Police Officers

Cooking Meat in Front of Vegans

When Police Catch You Drinking & Make You Dump it all out

Caught Using Stolen Credit Card at Texas Roadhouse

The Moment a child predator gets caught