Not a pro, not the best connection in the world, but 107 kills on Black ops 6. Drunk driving awareness & The Bible what I think of it

Look I am not the biggest Taylor Swift and Katy Perry fan but here I will drop their manly voices on these slowed reverb playlists.

Got a game with 107 kills, it’s my best game ever, at the end my bazooka got 2 double kills in a row to help my teammates get the Hardpoint and we won 250 to 246. I love Halo Infinite and Cod Black Ops 6 and Modern Warfare the latest, but I haven’t touched Modern warfare in a while, playing Nuketown a lot is tiring and I advertise with my tag on their the site, I don’t play with fans and I like to advertise to new players that’s just my privacy I also don’t talk on a mic unless its privately to my brother.

I play Nuketown so much I think I am in a psych ward. I also have all players muted as to not listen to what they say.

My girl’s car had trouble!

I would convict the shit out of a drunk driver if it hit one of my relatives no question about it, I realize I had to give up alcohol for good, I was never a drunk driver, but it really pissed me off watching these videos of people losing their lives to booze.

I decided not to share a video of me listening to a Drake mix in my parents house to keep their and my privacy.

My tag I blurred it out, but it leads to my website.

The Bible what I think of it

Let me be polite, but honest. The Bible holds no truth to an atheist, but I was indoctrinated. It was a nice concept to love one another but the Bible does state nothing against pedophilia, and it teaches us to love a man that died on the cross who is in no way shape or form God, but he became like God to many because of his death. Again, not hating on Jesus because if I was in the biblical times and I had ideas like the ones I posted, I would be tormented and killed or something crazy would happen.

I will venture to say it is too easy for an atheist to say “Dude you believe in that thing” with total sarcasm, but in reality, if I believe in God like my religious family does in Wisconsin I would believe that working is not necessary or going toward a goal, and to get married before having sex etc. Now if they can respect my blog and life that I live then I will respect them back, but I do not believe this book of fairy tales is taking them to heaven, it is just a comfort book to them.

And I will also say in the Bible it says murder was okay to do, to take out someone who had a different viewpoint then you, why does the Bible preach that it’s okay to kill? In a video game it is safe to kill because it’s not real, as long as you realize that, but why does the Bible glorify this intense hatred for people who are homosexuals and bisexuals, let these people live in peace and enjoy freedom!

Jewish people I like more than Christians however I do have a cross on my arm that says Billionaire on it, that is how delusional I was when I got the tattoo but then again, The God Delusion is a good book to go read and enjoy.

It is a book of comfort and fairy tales I will believe an Interstellar movie type happy ending for the community and the whole world to evolve in our understanding and not in hating and discriminating on individuals who are secular because secular schools are the best.

Woman Drove Drunk, Killed 61-year-old Bicyclist in Tragic Crash

Bodycam: Drunk Florida Man Kills 8 people in rollover Bus Crash

Katy Perry Slowed Reverb playlist

Taylor Swift Slow Reverb playlist