Fantasy & Spirituality here it comes!!!! Does God even exist or do the Gods exist!
So, notice the title is Fantasy & Spirituality, that means Lord of The Rings or any other fantasy movie that holds spiritual concepts with fictional writing. So maybe I feel like believing this or maybe I am making you understand my theories.
Going back to the old Augustogabe dot com roots, like when I first started a long time ago. Not all my stuff was bad. But here we go again, were we created in a laboratory by super intelligent beings?
Were we created by 1 God? It is a low chance. But why is this delusion accepted in society? And tons of Christians and Catholics turn out to be predators, and no one speaks out against religion except for the person who wrote “The God Delusion”
Again, I want to pretend like a high society with advanced technology came to deliver us and make us, a society so advanced that they do not die, or they transform their bodies into other beings.
Then again maybe evolution is true, or maybe a combination of them creating us with a purpose to love each other and to have kids, to enjoy sex, I mean our bodies adapted with evolution in order for us to partake in procreation or just love making.
Or maybe multiple Gods exist and those are the higher beings that made us in labs and sent us to live down here on Earth.
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