Google Messages and TrueCaller Blocking spam messages and calls easily & also something about kids & Become a coder possibly for games

Something about kids to consider, when they are young and indoctrinated, they start to talk funny and crazy even psychotic. Like “Momma why doesn’t Gabe love Jesus. He will burn.” Picture that in a funny kids’ voice, and in reality, they are facing delusion because of some poor parenting skills on their part for letting them believe a book that was written to make billions of dollars.

So, in reality lets be real, like my famous line in my music I have used twice, “They belittle, and be little.” It just is how they are, until they break out of that with “freedom of choice” they just remain unphased in delusion.

Also, Google Messages and True Caller do block all the spam messages and numbers, and it works brilliantly.

Also, my professor told me that when I go to the next campus I can pick between coding and art, I am tempted to pick coding over the art but on the fence still, art is easier, but then again not sure I am not an expert drawer like some people I know. So maybe I should focus on coding since I love it, I would regret not trying coding. I can be an intern coder at a company. FIRED! Gabe Gone! Lol! I hope not! I don’t drink at work and on the road like my ex-producer who I fired. I gave up drinking.

And the possibility of my game even going into production for a year or for however long the odds of it happening if I am not a coder is like Bullshit it will never happen, but I increase my odds and I do something I love I will need tons of Adderall during those semesters, I like it better than Full Sail because Full Sail is to intense.



Kanye West My Beautiful dark twisted fantasy slowed + reverb playlist

My First 3 albums explicit language