Got robbed of my old microphone that doesn’t work.
I got robbed of my old mic, lesson learned got to record other places and keep one good camera in the room. It was this tall black guy who worked with me, all his complaints about not having enough money. And on the Ring Doorbell it looked like his bag was huge, because he stuffed the old mic in there.
My mom was telling me to keep working with him or not to report him to the police. She thinks he would send his goons to come get me if I reported it, but she also said we got little to no proof.
All the hospitality I gave to this guy, and he smiles in my face like a friend and robs me, he is smoking crack or dabbing so much weed that he has resorted to robbing clients, and I kid you not, I have learned who my true friends are.
My ex-producer got involved in drug dealing and now he just runs with a bad crowd, and he delayed my project for 2 months not 1 track from him, but he always used to pull through, and he didn’t always run with that crowd. The hilarious thing “they don’t have all the parts to the microphone, and it is broken.” Lmao!
We gonna sell it for 1,000 when the original price is 3,000 and it has had over 7 years of use to it and its BROKEN LMAO the look on the thieves faces, I even tried to get it repaired and it wasn’t working. LMAO they are so trapped.
And all these employees come from this particular studio, are involved in something, but it’s not the owners’ fault, some have drug problems, and they hate the police. Next time cameras in this room for any reason I go pee or shit I look at it while I do it and be like “Hey dude put it back.”
Giving me a new reason to go Clint Eastwood with my racism now. But I will resist since racism is bad.
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