I dislike Escorts that are 1,000. Do they even have clients!

The delusion of some escorts is grand. I think 500 or less for the hour is reasonable, now I do 800 with the skinny one I like, sure but that means I get all the stuff I love from head and the feet, and the oral and 69 for 10 minutes. And I do not like the ones that cost 1,000, I was mad at a girl who took advantage of my mom who charged 1,000 a pop each time she went to me.

She was average at best, and the head game was lousy from her, the name was cess or her stage name. And the pill does make me bang my girls for long times, I once did one of my girls for 2 hours and she couldn’t walk, and she got my price reduced for it. I mean be reasonable, and fair. Most guys can’t afford 800 like me per week and I could do twice a week sometimes if I felt reckless with my money.

And I also like that when I watched Futurama with her at my parent’s house when I lived with them, she was complaining the whole time, almost like she was high off her mind off weed.

I used to listen to No Ceilings all the time at 17 riding in Mercedes Benz not owned by me, man I was spoiled. I pictured I was in a Bugatti and some of these hoes don’t realize it was like a Bugatti if they would have given me a chance, but its their loss. Cry cry.

I will succeed and not cry. While I have some fans that adore me and like what I do, you got the other kinds of fans which are going through addiction or depression and comment negativity on what I do, almost like I am stupid, or I overshare for no reason.

Had that Cess girl not charged 1,000 a pop I would have stuck by her, I was offended by her ridiculous pricing. And if it was just legal to do this the girls would compete with their prices and incalls and outcalls would not get raided although outcalls are safer for the girls as well as the guys, because if you do incall the girls can get raided, if it is an outcall, she knows I am not booking her if I have seen her for a year or months on end, so she profits and pays her kids stuff off and her bills etc.

Basically, treat everyone with respect in this business. And don’t be a dumb girl who doesn’t allow oral or 69 or who takes more money than what you think you need.


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