More ranting and over thinking & how you should watch the site
I should redo the post for YouTube videos, so it shows the latest ones, however it may take me a while or I may sit down and do 10 at once, we will see. I could just bring some back and omit details on my sex life etc. and illegal activity is nowhere to be found none of that going on here!
I am also disappointed in my actions and thoughts, I was on medication, and I smoked weed for a while a few months, and I hated my life for a long while after my arrest of trafficking meth. I will get honest with you guys on how bad I was at times, I made songs I shouldn’t have about children so I promoted pedophilia, I no longer have those songs, and the recent site I just took down, didn’t have those songs I promise, but I saved all the ones you don’t see as “Draft” so they aren’t published yet.
I am still mad at the back doctor for kicking me out, and banning me, I am still mad at a restaurant that didn’t hire me I only tried one, and they said “They don’t hire first time servers” even the bus boy position was beneath me a little bit. I respect the manager in his decision, I could end up at fast food or as a waiter one day in the Orlando area, not sure when or how.
I am recovering from my ankle which has tendonitis, and I am also doing exercises, but I wish not to say in what area I am located in.
My cousin forgave me for working with this bad producer of mine who is a drug dealer and who has been selling drugs for years not sure why he hasn’t been caught, and he drinks like crazy, and he still says “he has changed and found God and stopped drinking” but this is probably a lie also. He also never stopped me or advised me against making those pedophilia songs.
I wish to one day be at 150 in weight or 160 and go back to that restaurant and ask the Manager why I didn’t get hired, however Fast-Food sounds better then busboy. I know I posted racist content per se without meaning it, for brief moments or without thinking, however my album The Spiritual Atheist may be in Markets and such to buy but I may have to take it off YouTube and not link it to my site.
I don’t like the way my therapist is judging my music right now, but she is going to read Augusto Reborn lyrics and The Spiritual Atheist lyrics to see if I can salvage any songs, but remember I don’t actually break the law
I got my girlfriend spending Friday and Sunday with me hopefully both days, I love her stinky feet and my mouth on her whole foot, I love 69 love all her spots.
I hope I can reach out to you guys and connect, and I wish I could be forgiven for my mistakes, but I don’t understand why I am going through these delusions. I sometimes feel like the government watches me, and I think Mark Zuckerberg could be a twin with a face mask who shares his billions with undercover cops and good people along the way, just like Bill Gates and Melinda Gates dedicated 100s of billions to Africa and charities.
I will die giving my money away since no girl likes me or can stand me, for the most part, maybe one day I marry this girlfriend I mentioned, I am not a good man for sure, but my dad did molest me and I forgave him too much and got a threatening email from him when I was 17 about the charges I tried bringing on to him, and I backed off it, I also got rejected by fat women in my GED classes who dated skinny guys, and they had no idea what they were missing out on, so there you go, I am harder to love.
I can’t stand big women sometimes is a bad thing I should break out of but look at me doing this Semaglutide injection once a week and taking my antipsychotic at night to sleep and stabilize my thoughts. I realize I can date skinny girls or medium sized once I am skinnier, unless I stay with this current girlfriend.
Maybe I will be done with school by the age of 33 or 34, hopefully the latest, I am trying to get into that one school in Florida that is popular, I mentioned it in one old song, and I have great grades and graduated from the community side of things, and I made a deal with my current school on my website content so I don’t get suspended again.
I will never be forgiven by everyone, but I am forgiven by my family and therapist and my best fans which I have yet to ever meet, maybe I will never meet you guys, or Eminem, but let me die believing I will, let me dream about it, but let me not give up on this journey.
I am being lazy and not finding videos anymore at the moment I need to bring back old posts. You would see them under YouTube or Music unless I remove the Music Tab and keep the download music tab which is the finished product out. And hit refresh on them or I can repost them altogether.
Do not touch yourself to this one guys Jail Bait (and a crazy girl at that) Woke student gets owned by teacher
Kanye West 808’s and Heartbreaks Slowed
More Life Drake playlist