Music stuff & Girls My next 10 years in life Glorious (The Spiritual Atheist Lyrics)
Music stuff & Girls My next 10 years in life [...]
I submitted my work to be sold “The Spiritual Atheist will be released soon.”
I submitted my work to be sold [...]
Got robbed of my old microphone that doesn’t work.
Got robbed of my old microphone that doesn’t work. I [...]
Track 3 My Mommy Enjoy! & What happened to my suspension read after you read my song.
Track 3 My Mommy Enjoy! & What happened to my [...]
Had a great night.
Had a great night. My girl made me finish so [...]
I DID IT! Paid the 1,125 Dollars to my guy to TAKE OUT the N Word on The Spiritual Atheist
I DID IT! Paid the 1,125 Dollars to my guy [...]
5 a.m. song and Music news no N Bombs yeah Gabe! Go Jigga go my my man!
5 a.m. song and Music news no N Bombs yeah [...]
Music news & My brothers
Music news & My brothers Post about the spiritual atheist [...]
Down to 213.1 pounds & redid 1 song on DCBF 2
Down to 213.1 pounds & redid 1 song on DCBF [...]