Over 70 Skills in this Runescape type game & Steve Jobs Planet Z11 wilderness area (bro he love this game)

The Steve Jobs Planet Z11, the wilderness area, this is a very old design, I hope you like it, if you have played old school RuneScape especially or any kind of RuneScape you will understand the language etc. You can download the first image first, and open it on paint on the computer to see more of it, or just take a peak at the second image. But you should look at the whole thing. 

And also the skills are below like over 70 I made, I hope you enjoy it. After I have uploaded like a whole bunch of my old work, I will work on new maps and stuff. Keep it in case I die of this lung infection. Carry the torch. Love Gabe the guy with a bad mental disorder full of nonsense, that is my disorder. XD Bipolar, Schizophrenic.

Lol everything you are reading is like so old, I was like not going to school or doing anything for like 6 years, man I was slacking. If I ever die or don’t make it to the company, I hope they take it and run with it, and make it last.

Skills ideas & Spare ideas (First 71 grand opening & 20 + infinite additions for eternity. 500 Centuries)


 Do I need overhead? I can get investors easily a second Jagex? Open it in some land with permission. 🙂 More employees. When all affairs are agreed upon the original creator and his superiors who will partner 50/50 but I will take 2% or 8% of membership sales and that is it, the rest is for free up for grabs.


100 Year Contract with Servers so they keep the game open and more popular than any MMO out there, this has to be done.





(Legal rwt and legal limited bots are avaliable and new items.)


  1. Attack (This helps wield certain items and it is the primary first melee form. So to keep note of this when you look at the list you have Ancient Attack and Sun & Moon/Moon & Sun Attack yada yada. They are technically equal in many ways. But they hold unique, super unique exclusive gear, and weapons.) (It also helps you hit with higher accuracy and strength is built into the skill, it is not apart like in Runescape, pures can still exist 🙂
  1. Defense (This applies to all the gear in general but it is combined with “Attack goes with this skill for armor in Runescape. Ancient Attack is connected to Defense don’t worry a 2nd and 3rd defense! HELL… F### No. lol, & Sun & Moon Attack of course, and this applies to the 3 ranged types of same name, and the 3 magic types. Oh now you get it :)) WOW augusto me so horny lol (is he worse than andrew? Ye but new generation give the players WHAT THEY WANT)
  1. Magic (This is based on your “Standard Magic Spell Book” a lot better then runescape I will tell you that much useful spells. Improved, fresh, convenient, not tedious, not misc. Even Misc. can be considered good for certain monsters when low level, simple EASY fresh page.)
  1. Ranged (This will be as in Runescape similar, the combat system a bit different I was thinking side note for team maybe ranged, and magic, and the others raise your combat level but not by a lot, it would have to be evenly split into 9 combat categories not counting defense, prayer, alternative prayer, etc. Maybe even other ideas the team has fitting within the realm of simplicity)
  1. Health (Players can start with 30 health per se, and the health skills can go up to 200 or 250 for the grand opening of the game depending on how the team works the items, I believe it can be done. The reason I want to direct the team in this direction is because it gives us a focus range point to be precise, a lot of weapons and armor in game has silly effects or exclusive teleports or for the morphing skills. But what you need to realize making this health effective will take “Comedy, Potion Making Fluid is what I call it not Herblore, even in some cases “some arenas per se because Arena Master is a skill maybe players can customize the health and fight TO THE DEATH so raise the health to 1,000 or 10,000 maximum.)
  1. Stamina (running fast as hell and longer duration, I should get into this on the stamina page for the team to see my ideas. But the concept is simple some areas in the game will require a lot of running so to make it less tedious more enjoyable you can run SUPER fast with SPECIAL high level potions it takes to make which would be like Stamina Potions but maybe better and more expensive in the Grand Exchange (3 of these one in each universe) or the Universal Exchange: In The Universal-Central (1 of these remember) ) (Universe Mod, Universe Gi, & Universe Pray-on as good examples, and Universal-Central the whole entire game the planets and stars and moons and dungeons etc. Even realms or personal coded quests will be within the story of the game, the story of Norva and the Gods above him as the God, with the races, angels, trolls, ogres, humans, the multiple planet earths, etc. It is a diverse story and you get to select which religious beliefs and what planet you are born on in game on Planets list.)
  1. Prayer (This skill gives you the prayer book standard and prayer book items can be a think like mage book items on Runescape. I will let the team help make the story behind the game of the multiple beliefs and religions of the gods and angels the wars etc. But this all ties into the Prayer book, this prayer book will be like Runescape simple prayers, Alternative Prayer will have more unique and strong combat related prayers, this one can be used to even simply do questing or blessing, enchanting items, or even resurrection skill of some sort or the list goes on…….)
  1. Alternative Prayer (This prayer book will focus on increasing your attack power with Ranged, Ancient Ranged, Moon & Sun Ranged, the 3 types of magic the same theme, the 3 types of attack with strength built into thank God. Built in.)
  1. Rock Climbing (Gets you on top of mountains to get into caves which are all throughout the planets, it can help you climb up to a tower up on a wall or mountain or some sort of climbing involving rocks. Different boot examples I should work on. With Like-Minded awesome hard working people.)
  1. Dungeon Master (We can have 3 types of dungeons in the game sort of like 15 types of items if you look at the items list. One dungeon is “Open Dungeons” these are all throughout the planets and you get exp for killing the monsters inside it they will all have mini bosses and sometimes big legendary bosses. Second: “Closed Dungeons” these dungeons will need special keys and the higher rank you are in your other skills especially combat level etc. You can get the keys from npc drops or buying it from npcs who think you are worthy or from a quest/all the above to get inside these sealed dungeons which hold fun secrets for the player to enjoy. And we can always extend the ideas for the grand opening but we need a grand BETA opening that is EPIC no matter how long it takes so it gets approved as is with celebs etc.)

(The Last Dungeon concept I had is “Angelic & Deity Dungeons” These are THE HARDEST dungeons in the game, I think a total of 6 through 15 (6-15) should be done in beta perfectly directed by yours truly with a great team. The concept of using skilling in these, I will list the skills needed for these team can add and debate if they have an issue with it. Haha good luck with that bruh.)

Questing Skill

Slayer Skill

Ancient Slayer Skill

Prayer Skill

Alternative Prayer Skill

Morphing Skill

Agility & Obstacles Skill

Thieving & Morals Skill

Fletching Logs Skill

& the list goes on the team can add 5 or 10 more of the skills. But the concept is simple and fun, these dungeons should be big, have underground caverns, waterfalls, lava falls, volcanic areas, and unique rewards that teleport YOU DIRECTLY to the dungeon even into simple areas where like the chest Idea I had, apply that with the team to many item possibilities it will be very in depth each item needs a purpose of comedy or meaning or value or morphing or something good players will like in some cases (all the above)

  1. Slayer (5 Slayer Masters & 5 Slayer Guilds with items for them.) maxes at level 500
  1. Ancient Slayer (15 Ancient Slayer Masters & 3 guilds with items for them.) maxes at level 500
  1. Questing (recheck) the skill maxes at level 500
  1. Music/Art (Being your own musician and working in the industry to gain access to coins power houses exclusive) (This is about getting your artistic level up this just means you can help people in the music industry by killing the competition for them, and fun out there dialogue, you can actually put your voice or submit an mp3 to the game and have it played on an in game radio. You can buy and sell exclusive properties that are owned by those fat cats from them as they tell you about the coked up daughter in rehab they have. And you can rescue her. While the dad goes and does the same thing but because of his age he doesn’t get in trouble. etc.)
  1. Painting (Similar to 14 but more simple. You can become like a Picasso and create rare unique items) (This is different then custom item making as the skill itself. But it is similar in the sense that you can become an artist from stupid lines to more complex art. I may even put rare paintings in the game of Picasso, that melting clock one I like, and even “Augusto Gabe Art Series” and they cost ridiculous amounts. 28 Currencies is the goal for grand opening but it can be traded with gold coins, black coins, and exalted coins as the 3 main currencies for Art, or just in general. Decorate your personal private and public homes, and you yourself can make custom art when you reach past level 80 per se. In the skill otherwise you are just botting the script with the legal botting to make the art skill go faster.)
  1. Boss Creator (create bosses for exclusive areas and personal homes and realms etc. Epic even picking some drops) (self-explanatory. But the skill itself can reach up to 115. And the bosses are basically taking “The attack names” “The damages” etc. And forming it with magical spells to make these unique bosses, picking the easy art that goes with it to animate it to live in your own home, or realm, or arena or whatever, 100 things you can do with this.)
  1. Morphing (morph into different creatures for quests and only certain enemies can be killed by your unique morphed being etc.) (starting with simple things, bats, rats, moles, skeletons, soldiers, hounds, and it goes on. Maybe even ranges from different levels of bats, different levels of skeletons, (for some of course maybe not for all.) (and it is needed for questing and killing some enemies or performing certain “scripted actions” coded into the game by the team.)
  1. Homeland (this is realistic yet magical about spying infiltration, and goofy silly quests and celebrities as a part of it long never ending as usual) (simple example you work for the Homeland Agency and you go on a mission using your spying level which is a different skill, it is not always needed but they go hand in hand together. You get to watch npcs how they live, and infiltrate the homes, using magic, ranged, melee, to make it more approvable by the government it can be through magical spells sort of spying, but watching them through a TV or mirror or Phone or orb shouldn’t be a problem the game is a mix of reality and fantasy, the imagination can run wild.)
  1. Time Travel (lets you see the past and sometimes the future depending on the area and planet) (You get to see the past and future depending on where you use the time travel ring, amulet, etc. Different levels of them and you can decide to go or not sometimes it is safe, easy, and the higher up you go the more “wild-like” the game turns on you as the npcs attack you and it can even do the fun quest ideas talked about.)
  1. Negotiations (learning how to bargain in dialogue with NPCs for quests and money-making methods sell certain things for 10x the worth then from exchange and street prices.) (requires good script writers. To make good dialogue to sometimes cheat an npcs out of buying items saying it comes from “Asia” or it was made by a Russian Hacker. Fun made up real life and sarcastic crude George Carlin humor to get this skill done perfectly.)
  1. Tradable (certain trades the majority anybody can do but leveling this up can let you trade with npcs and with non-tradable items from other players and exchange exclusives) Simple and to level it maybe all you need to do is buy the skill from the company. Only way to train this skill is by questing probably, to where most can be bought by the company or trained, to each their own.
  1. Mining (This skill bot-able (in-game bot for it of course) and buyable from the company it may be one of the longest skills in the game. Maybe reaching up to 300 in level and the ores are found together and “special mining stores” dedicated to selling you the exclusive teleport orbs or tabs to reach the spot so you can bank easily. Dropping and mining is an option so you can AFK a lot, or if you want for some spots you can smith the ore right in front of you, not sure on inventory spaces in game, some players who have completed a lot can bank anywhere in game with a telepathically enhanced spell if the area allows it, “Skilling Areas” only, not all skilling areas.)
  1. Smithing (Reaches up to level 300 This can be done with a player owned furnace in private homes or public furnaces where the furnace icon is or if your magic level is high enough furnace it as you mine you don’t even move an inch. You can bot this one with in-game scripts depending if you are training or quickly getting something so it will do 10 minutes for you before it tells you to activate it again, it makes the skilling of it less tedious but not botting 10 hours straight.)
  1. Boating/Sailing (This can be done differently Sail boats, and yachts, and speed boats, and jet-skis, not saying it can’t be clickable but personally for this one it is more open to the ocean, a lot to explore and sometimes wilderness duels and boarding the opponents ship and sinking them and taking their loot. Lastly showing off your wealth fashion scape with MMOs you can have the best level and buyable skill from the company show off your IRL money. Just show off the yacht and such, get multiple women and men npcs to hop on board blurred out sex if possible or like GTA.)
  1. Net Worth (This skill would be to simply get into exclusive clubs and events and parties, as well as get fun items few players can get for dedicating time and money in the game, you feel more invested in a game with time and money spent then with just time or money. You feel attached for life. & 3 magazines)
  1. Aquatic Stamina (Like stamina but for underwater such as diving/swimming/walking on the bottom of the ocean floor of the different planets.) This is easy to explain the agility of underwater as well as moving quickly in some areas, who knows what the team can come up with.)
  1. Fishing & Cooking (These two skills would be paired together, mining and smithing are much different in this game then Runescape. Fishing and cooking will be interesting.)

(also very different but you get to train both by just doing one, simple concept the reason I seperated mining and smithing is for the simple reason one builds armor, this one just makes simple good foods. This will be needed for questing “Shut down the competitors” at a restaurant they hire you at. Kill the staff to get to the owners. So this skill delves into combat and questing and gaining the trust of other local businesses sometimes you get to pick what side you are on and have fun with the dialogue.)

  1. Oceanic Manipulation (This will give you the ability to summon oceanic creatures ranging from different ones depending on your level. It can part the sea to cross over on certain SPOTS meant for it, with the icon like how Rscape has Bank Icons, and Quest Icons. It can also be used to make you walk on water for some parts of the ocean. Nocliping)
  1. Lava Manipulation (This is the same as above (28) just for lava liquid instead of waterfalls and oceans it is lava-falls and lava oceans or lava in general.)
  1. Potion Fluid (About ingredients to make Potions the different kinds, the examples, it is a more evolved version of Herblaw in RS. In-Game Bot for it as well.)
  1. Drug Dealing (Well if this isn’t obvious you sell the blow to the cops and get arrested for some parts of the skill and you break out of jail with ice barrage or some melee item, kill them to escape the jail. It can also be legit drug dealing successful deals or killing a narc as part of the hunt, it can also range the higher up you go the better drugs you can sell even “The Famous Blue By Walter White”. This will be fun, the ideas can go on with the team on this.)
  1. FBI (This skill goes hand in hand with Homeland because the 2 agencies are at war with each other. So you need to level both up as evenly as possible. In order to infiltrate the other organization as with this one it may require getting WARRANTS to spy because THE FBI agency has trouble getting warrants to spy. So you need to corner Homeland Npcs on sort of “missions” not quests per se, and make the highest degree out of your reputation as an intelligence officer in this committee.)
  1. Mirror Absorption (This skill is about getting inside different mirrors with magical powers, to see what the past is in the mirror, only with magical spying rank below as one of the skills to see the history of what this mirror knows. It can also be used to complete difficult tasks and missions, it is tied into many other skills. Sometimes for the FBI and Homeland you need to use your magic to gather data as the silly dialogue in those 2 other skills proceed with ridiculous talk on “How did you know I was with her?” etc. etc. scandalous language, and little filters.)
  1. IRS (In this skill you need to hunt the IRS down, simple right? Combat level needs to be highly recommended; you have high Attack, Ranged, and Magic, in all 3 variants so in all those 9 skills plus prayer and alternative prayer so 11 skills total not counting Defense and health. Just over-all strong and mighty. You have different missions given to you by the “Shadow Organization” of wealthy individuals who hate the IRS but they start you off stopping the IRS for local businesses, moving to higher things like Drug Trade Genetic Trade, and stopping the IRS from ruining the planet/or island/ or continent around you, very lengthy skill to make compared to most in the top 8 for sure.)
  1. Home-Construction (This skill is about personal homes you construct, even personal penthouses. It can range from private neighborhoods full of homes and hotels and penthouses with the realms that are difficult to get into, can be connected to the Net Worth Skill of the richest players in the game who compete for currencies beyond the 28 currencies, stock basically, and them owning companies.)


You have the 3 types of homes/mansion/regular house/trailer park/penthouse/hotel people can own. The public ones on planets openly, and the private but depending on settings can be public to all of the public if approved by moderators in the team custom building the Runescape civilization. So to say. And the third type is the absolute private ones that you on your account can change in your settings and can make open to the public or only to some. As a simple example.

  1. Real Estate (In this skill you have many Real Estate Npcs who need to conquer the market, you get to work for all of them and level up in it, you will need strong overall combat level in the combat related skills and go through fun dialogue and kill the other competition for them with Ice barrage at 94 Ancient Magic, and other fun stuff.)


You can do a lot with this skill besides the rewards of exp and money and items in between, you can easily access certain mansions that are hard to build, this can be connected to your “Home-Construction” skill and your “Hotel-Construction” skill.

  1. Hotel-Construction (Hotel-Construction is different then the public hotels built into the game where you can buy and or rent the space and have a good time and you can keep the property other players can send you anonymous in game offers like 10 billion gold coins or 100 million gold coins for your hotel room, and the perks inside it. But Hotel-Construction means you get to work on a personal hotel like a personal home and get it approved by the Hotel-Construction companies with ridiculous names in game. You sell off the hotels you build and build the skill up, maybe it will be one of the buyable skills but not all the skills should be buyable however most of the skills are easy not difficult to level up and enjoyable with in-game bots provided through in-game scripts as to not make so many runs and suffocate the time in your life.)
  1. World Wide Web (Here you can post websites openly on a website you like but you have a few categories. (5))

1- 18+ Websites (These are actual adult websites the game can link you to the internet with redtube, pornhub etc. Of course you agreed you are old enough, each time you look at these websites your character has bad thoughts in dialogue and you damage your health.) Or ban porn lol!

2- Real Websites (augusto gabe and other great websites can exist to make it exciting even social media but Social media can easily be customizable, so you can make a fun custom thing and make it look real.)

3- Fantasy Websites (These are websites you as the player get to have more fun with, and make news stories, and they can connect to quests in general being a web designer for certain quests you need the World Wide Web level to be at level 99.)

4- Podcasts (Here only the best podcasts like Gabe’s cast would be at the top in-game to listen to, but you would have a mix. A lot of religious nuts, and YOU AS THE PLAYER, get to decide which podcast you like best and you can even make your own if you are bold if you are maxed WWW in the game and submit it to the employees (with no e-mail block) and maybe you get a feature for fucking around on a pod cast.)

5- Music Websites (This could hopefully have real celebrities and smaller ones and the big names since I want Kanye in the game for questing and other things. Only a few songs not the whole album, maybe inner real business last minute for it.)

  1. Wisdom & Philosophy (You can attend classes at certain universities and listen to cool teachers who talk about all sorts of things, even atheistic teachers like Carlin or religious teachers like Doug Bachelor who are nuts. And you can take philosophy classes, and they go hand in hand. You get to pick what your character believes.)


(1 Ex: Teacher: The coca-cola can is red is this an absolute fact, are absolute facts real?

Student npc argues with you: No it is not red your eyes capture the color a certain way.

You: Argue back option 1 or Option 2 kill the npc student in front of the class and kill the teacher in order to pass the class while some students applaud you with magic spells. etc.) You get the most experienced in this skill by doing this or passing the dialogue right this will be 1,000 hours of dialogue not randomized perhaps. So the team gets to sink their claws into the dialogue I will have to approve.

  1. Genetic Master (This is a skill which allows you to manipulate DNA make clones, make npcs, and STEAL Genetics from men and women knock them out with magical spells, and sometimes YOU NEED TO hunt for the hot guy npc at the party and lead him astray with the flirtation skills. It is highly important to MAKE POMPOUS rich people feel important for this as you work for them to STEAL the most unique DNA of npcs in game some which can be famous soccer aliases, maybe an actual Tom Cruise go into the Scientology building “morphed with the morphing skill” as “Expert Bullshitter” and dress with the scientologist outfit to make it to the top find Tom and get his genetics with a magical spell.)
  1. Spell-Crafting (Complicated skill in a few regards, do not have the concept down yet but Kones, would they let me keep runes also? Should Kones be the only magical way to cast different spells besides mage books, staff/staffs, and spell pages? For the 3 magic skills Magic, Ancient Magic, Sun & Moon Magic. But it is basically a bot that runs the teleportation directly to the realms to make it, instead of making it annoying or even bank nearby in all the sacred tombs.)
  1. Crafting (Crafting is for gems, dragon hide, etc. and lots of armor who knows but in-game bot helps you level up quicker so the player can chill and enjoy themselves and please better music from music to pick from. Or listen to the in-game podcasts of wild fun from the employees. Reaches level 250)
  1. Log Merchant (This log merchant skills are for the players who want to sell the logs to npcs who hang out near the trees just sell it for coins and other odd currencies or even get odd items in return if you cut certain trees for a long period. And a Log Fetching Guild can exist up in the sky city of the highest levels, and custom build certain things even items with logs because these two skills go hand in hand many times even for quests, and quest series. This one levels up much faster then log fetching.)
  1. Agility & Obstacles (The obstacles and agility will be fun I can let the team pitch me this. I was thinking to make it enjoyable let the in-game bot run the course 3 times before you have to click. This is needed for quests and shortcut icons, and for other interesting things, including helping with Stamina to run faster. The Stamina skill which is very important depending on the ground you walk on.)
  1. Thieving & Morals (Here in this you get to pick if you want to kill the real fat cats who steal DNA and jail drug dealers with the drug dealing skills, since they never want to settle lawsuits, or you can work for THE FAT CATS and kill the “Augusto” boys, and agree with the dialogue “Ye we steal from these fuckers, don’t give them anything.” So once you decide it will ask you 3 times if you ARE SURE, you can only pick one side, the RIGHT side, morals, higher deity, consciousness or IGNORE them fuck em, kill them, steal from them. So you can steal from the rich like Robin Hood the movie or you can steal from the poor like Augusto and make a lot, fuck them kill them if they find out.)


2 Options:

1- Work for the fat cats and steal for them. (You will be shunned by some players in the community; it is on your public stats look when you right click.)


2- Or work for the little people, sometimes it is tricky missions in realms of home invasion and getting to the fat cats because they use the morphing skill to hide with a mask and a false ID as other npcs, so you need to trace them with the Homeland Skill the FBI Skill for your FBI team of magicians to raid and use ancient magics on the fat cat and his wealthy family even kill the hot wife who doesn’t know what the meaning of a REAL JOB is. (You will be shunned by idiots and comedians players basically in the community because right clicking shows the side OF MORALS you picked on THIEVING.)

  1. Log Fetching (This wood-cutting alike skill uses magic to take down trees and you never actually chop all of them down some can be chopped down some can’t, I would say 90% or more of the 30 or 40+ tree variants in the game can’t be chopped down. You can in-game bot this and it can drop the logs for you or you can bank, or even use Log-Merchant. This skill like many of the skills are needed for quests. Ex: Even a boss in a quest can require this level to be high so you can cut down the main trees so the boss can be harmed by attacks for a short period before the trees grow back. Many ways the team can utilize this in a good way.)
  1. Black Market Merchant (Some of the items in the game from Slayer, ancient slayer, or pking with wilderness degree or ancient wilderness degree or even questing or something like a clue scroll just more enjoyable not long and tedious, or long and fun. And some items can easily be sold for high prices you can even get EXP in return from NPCs, so you want the spying rank to rank up 5 levels easy just provide 1,000 bones of this particular monster or 3 priceless items untradeable dropped by this resurrected creature by using your resurrection level.)
  1. Bank Rank (This is about ranking up in the banking world, we call it realm because the team of coders who code the game to make the ideas into reality will need to make “REALMS” and most realms in games tend to be private, so you may do the same quest as your friend but you may not run into each other during this part of the game. So this is highly required, yes public banking branches can exist but you need to get the job inside as the mascot spinning the sign level up to level 5, and then you can’t level up anymore, and you need to talk to the manager flirt with him or her flirtation level, get a better job and in some cases at level 20 maybe you kill many bankers at a rare meeting when you meet as a trainee, and now you secure the job for yourself and use the resurrection skill to bring back dummy puppets programmed by your RESURRECTION skill to speak for you, so now the puppets in the banking meeting will hire you as the CEO and you infiltrate and rank up in different banks. Always the game is everlasting so this skill expands with the teams ideas.)


So main skills needed to rank this:

1- High overall combat level, strong prayer and alternative prayer.

2- Morphing level strong to morph into certain npcs to invade the long rank up journey.

3- Resurrection skill to fool the public as you control the ones you killed with the resurrected puppets.

4- The list goes on I guess. Awesome rewards and exclusive areas in game can be unlocked, you can even show on “public stats” how you are part time owner of this privately owned bank and play with money, this can connect to thieving and morals depending on which side you picked.

  1. Spying Rank (You have the levels of peeping-tom, porn watcher, going to a bathhouse in a private realm to look into crystal orbs, spy through mirrors and computers in private realms and keep the data in the clouds, and this helps with many of the other skills.)
  1. Religious Rank (Here you have the pastors, a lot of questing series are required to take out the pastors, isn’t religion the problem? Maybe we should just accept each other. So different denominations maybe some made up ones 10+ total and this ties into your questing skill which is a part of leveling up questing. You can go after the 7th day adventist church but they are secretly Giant demons with magical spells that only “Mastered Players” can withstand it would be a grand showdown of epic fighting for 20 minutes or more straight for the higher up ranking. It is not even recommended to have started this skill until you have a very high combat ranking in the combat skill section.)
  1. Resurrection (Resurrection is about bringing up the dead or the fantasy off a painting or off some wall inscription, graveyards, cemeteries, pet cemeteries, royal family tombs, and the higher you go in this skill the better your chances of getting these higher up Gods who died in the past up and alive.)
  1. Visibility & Invisibility (This skill is based on possibly a planet mainly and it is part of a race. Let us just call them “Phantoms & Ghosts”, some of them are drunk and high on drugs you can sell them drugs with drug dealing. But the point of this skill is the same thing with Desert Treasure over wearing the ring/amulet to see the invisible ladders, to see invisible npcs (some fightable some not fightable), etc. The concepts with the team stay simple. It is a wacky place where you start the skill but the skill itself is all over the game for certain areas considering so many planets, continents, islands, and realms. I would say the planet it should be on should be: “Aztika number (3) on the list of planets” Click here to see the planet list Again. On “The Island of Phantom & Shady”.
  1. Business Classes (The business school could be based on Planet Earth number 2 on the list. It would be like 6 large buildings 10-20 floors each as you get arrows and directions to guide you throughout leveling in this skill, they are close together and have large tunnels for the higher floors but they are not connected at the bottom. You need to expose that business school is fake, and that planet Earth has serious issues with discriminating against free independent thinkers turning people into conformists and hiding the truth for the one percent. You need to conquer the floors over and over till you are strong enough to go to higher levels, one building can be from level 1-40, another from 41-71, etc. And the skill can reach around 200-250 as the highest level for this kill so high combat level sort of required. You are just shutting down the school, as a matter of fact the FBI skill can be helpful for getting warrants if your FBI level is high enough to get a warrant to raid the office by yourself or with npcs or with a friend or two, and “private realms” for coders could be helpful for this sometimes. It should be public but I believe if you enter the business class and the students transform into monsters of all sorts and summon hounds and mythical creatures it takes you to a realm for the long battle.)
  1. Flirtation (This is built in dialouge by the team with a lot of lines in it used for questing and for other skills like bank rank etc. to level up. Easy skill to master one of the quickest exp rates for this skill and it is fun.)
  1. Lust & Love (Lust and Love is based on the story of the Goddesses of love and the Goddesses of Lust. This involved flirtation, high combat level, and sometimes other skills. The skill itself is for working for the goddesses from the lust realm and from the love realm, and you need to rank up through the different goddesses once you are done with one you do the other, and some fun sexy dialouge, and GTA non-explicit sex scenes with them while they send you on a mission to take over a “specific dungeon” and “specific places” Ressurection skill can be closely connected to this.)

The goddesses of lust and love don’t follow a certain religion or path in the story of the game because as said before they are there to bring peace and lust and love to the different planets, they can be found throughout 8+ planets for this skill alone on the missions.)

  1. Political Debates (Political Debates are about infiltrating the political offices of Republicans and Democrats and taking them all down, it will require high combat level (think missions like combat related quests) for some of these skills. And you need to kill the politicians hiding in their homes or at business meetings with your combat attacks (9 attack styles of course ranged, magic, and Attack- the 3 variants of each.) The people who hire you to do this are the “Free Thinkers Association”, they want you to get rid of the politicians who make some of the planets miserable. Maybe the skill is based on only one of the many planets or a small amount, you are a special hit-women or hit-man for this group of free-thinkers, so they stop forcing the education system to suck so bad, and to help free the drug dealers with your drug dealing skills. May involve 5-8 of the current skills. The higher up you go.)
  1. Arena Master (Arenas have the Arena icon in the game, maybe 2 kinds of Arenas (Normal Arenas) which are not affiliated with the skill could be a quest or an npc drop area or a skilling area in the wilderness or all the above. To customize your health with your opponent and have interesting duels.)
  1. Wilderness Degree (Wilderness Masters, and the many wildernesses in game, thankfully you keep almost all your stuff as long as you aren’t challenging others, but they can still kill your bank if they are stubborn, but harder to freeze people etc. Easy Wilderness compared to Ancient Wilderness which is the opposite.)
  1. Ancient Wilderness Degree (Ancient Wilderness, less of them on planets, highly dangerous wilderness areas, and you can use exclusive items to be overpowered in these areas, but you can barely keep anything on death.)
  1. Abyss of Despair (The abyss of despair has icons maybe 5 total in the game you need to conquer one by one, and use skilling and high combat level to accomplish it. The team can easily make great levels to each abyss, and pick easy or difficult or legendary groups with others.)
  1. Cloudy Judgment (This is based on getting a hold of items which can only be found in the wilderness or ancient wilderness. You can only trade these items by having a high level of Cloudy Judgment. You will be using skulls of specific npcs, drops from resurrected monsters that are untradable usually, and mixing it like a potion, not potion fluid making not that skill, but it helps you make “Cloudy Items” and these items are mostly for getting approval from the npc races/communities/the diverse cultures, and higher up quests. It can go on and on with ideas built on these basics.)
  1. Clouds of God (Think of this like Log Fetching so instead of woodcutting you use magic and in-game bots to get the logs from the tree, and most can’t be cut down as to not frustrate the players, “such an annoying feature.” Fixing Runescape. And the clouds of gods are in the sky cities or certain areas, with icons and you need to drain with magic the clouds you can AFK a lot so you can roll a joint drink a beer, you can play on your mobile device while you fuck a hooker, and just train AFK the skill. The skill will be able to help with potion making for that skill for higher potions, for making exclusive items, and lastly from what I can think of it can help you create “Clouds of Traveling” like the carpet in Rscape that takes you from one location in the air to the other side. Icons of showing where to drain these clouds, and the icons where you are allowed to travel with them, you can’t always use them everywhere that would be cheating.)


The clouds you use will range, maybe the skill goes up to level 99 or 90. And the best clouds last longer and can take you through wilderness areas, some which can only be accessed with this skill wilderness islands with quests and npcs and exclusives only found on that wilderness area. (The team and I will explore how to make this enjoyable and not tedious.)

(That is literally nocliping, so EASY)

  1. Ancient Magic (secondary to Magic) (This spell book is trained separately, it will hopefully hold Ice barrage, and blood barrage, and 8 other barrages. It will be formatted differently from Runescape just with a few concepts I like, I also like the teleport animation of the blocks can improve on it.)
  1. Ancient Attack (secondary to Attack) (I have started making the papers I need to scan and put on my drive so you can see the armors I have for the Attack and Defense, because Defense tends to go with all the 9 combat attack style skills. For good examples, a good basis to work off of.)
  1. Ancient Ranged (secondary to Ranged) (It is like Ancient Magics inside your bow, throwing knives, cross-bow etc. But it is not magic, Diamond Bolt Effects, storm effects.)
  1. Moon & Sun Magic (thirdly to Magic) (An epic spell book highly needed, this could be considered one of the most important spell books for the higher levels and resurrection level for that skill and other skills. And the spells are all based on Lunar and Sun Magic of course, dangerous and draining your own health at the same time for some of the higher spells. Npcs who can only be killed by this skill can apply to the other 9 attack variants of ranged, magic, and Attack. Special teleports and exclusive items to teleport to the stars, and moons, many stars and moons will exist besides sky cities etc. To visit them with this teleportation book, and yes you can rotate the 3 spell books 24/7.)
  1. Moon & Sun Attack (thirdly to Attack) (as you would imagine it is sun and moon based armor, weapons, The Solar Whip, The Solar Scythe, etc.)
  1. Moon & Sun Ranged (thirdly to Ranged) (as you would imagine this ranged gear is based on sun and moon animations that will be the last variant of ranged. Fitting into the theme, again considered important for certain npcs.)
  1. Storm of Angels (You must hunt the “Fallen Angels” or “Fallen Demons” who create war in the heart of minds think “The book of Enoch” as a manuel for you to guide you to hunt these fallen angels who reside all over the game you will need high combat level strong gear, and it is one of those mastery skills for those who are above. The Invisible & Visible skills should allow you to use items to reveal them and even resurrection skill should help you go to royal angelic tombs to resurrect fallen angels to receive items they drop etc.)


Click here to see Deadly Bridges Quest number 19, must be done to ACCESS THIS SKILL and it is connected to the skill

70 Angelic Ranking. (69 goes first, but number 70 and 69 go hand in hand.)

  1. Angelic Ranking (This is like the morphing skill but morphing turns you into all sorts of beings, considering copycat skills will exist for some with variants of the original. This could be morphing but in angelic form and your combat level as an angel can be much stronger, this could be for npcs only and dueling other players in angelic realms, because you can’t always transform into an angel, as with morphing certain areas of the game. (The coders do this like with MMadness the Greegree making some tiles exclusive to the morphing skill, so some tiles/planets/areas will allow the angelic morphing exclusive to this.) (Last note: besides exclusive rewards and things you can wear as a human, and personal homes, etc.)

Combat levels of being an angel can range from level 200 the lowest example: 200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000, and lastly 1,200. So you will fight fierce bosses who can only be killed in your angelic form (future skills in the game can require this as to make the game more exciting with future updates, new beings you can be turned into.)

(and oh yes shouldn’t affect your combat level.)

  1. Eyes of God Ranking (The eyes of God ranking is simple:)

1- The organization is based on your levels of FBI, Homeland & Spying and maybe strong combat level so when you have mastered these skills to the max you can now do things in game which few can do from the things below.

2- Make your character big, a custom feature few others can do, to show off that you are ranked as one of the gods.

3- You can teleport to secret bases of Homeland and FBI and raid them with other players with your same levels to get great loot and have good fun.

4- You can make this skill have 10+ unique features to it because it is based on the building of mastering the other skills, so it is one of the last skills in the game before new content comes out.


The 2 possible bonus skills below:


  1. Drug Manufacturing (Legal & Illegal depending on which planet or part of the game you are in. Examine: Should I be doing this? Hm….)


  1. Custom Item Creation

Stop at 71 or 73

(done extra for future updates) Secondary Round and possibly a third round simple skills. (to be announced for future updates)

(the only 2 skills below I really wanted to make the beta final cut to make it into the final game are: Drug Manufacturing & Custom-Item Creation. So it is possible to add them 71 or 73 total goal.


Only work on Drug Manufacturing Ideas & Custom-Item Creation…

  1. Gambling Addiction
  1. Nightmare Travelers
  1. Jet-Construction
  1. Networking/Wealthy-Contacts
  1. In-Game Moderator Ranking
  1. Terrorism
  1. Real Media & Fake Media
  1. Egyptian Pyramid
  1. Sky Cities Ranking
  1. Dark Realm Ranking
  1. Island Owner
  1. Teaching Degree
  1. Police Officer Degree
  1. Teleportation Exclusives
  1. Gambling Addiction
  1. Law Makers
  1. Community Outreach
  1. Nightmare Travelers
  1. Legendary Challenges
  1. Immortal Dreaming