Prostitution and bareback sex or protected sex is safer 1000x more then drinking & weed and it can be regulated.
It has been regulated in Nevada and tons of other countries, and escorts all over the pages of escorts put themselves at risk to sleep with lonely men like me who get rejected because I am fat and was even fatter at one time. So where am I supposed to find love and release? So, I won’t want to R*pe or assault a woman? I guess give me the ones willing to consent 18+ who are hookers or escorts. Who else will give me the release if I need a woman? Or If I have a type.
So, the people who complain and whine all day are either little kids who were indoctrinated with false beliefs about Jesus rescuing prostitutes that they assume “It is wrong.” These kids will grow up as secret johns and aggressive ones at that, aggressive with their women while saying “Dad I need more money for the girl!” Or “Deluded conservative families who believe Gabe’s website is harmful to children, because they believe in fairy tales.”
That is the sad reality, it is even safer than the Marijuana Business. And you could have different forms of it, “Picking them up, if its decriminalized or legalized.” Or “The girls just file when they pay taxes because many of them do actually fill that out and pay taxes.” Or even a cool app that hooks Johns and girls or Female Johns and gigolos together! And they get commission a small percentage of the payment or deposit and that would be revolutionary.
It is safe overall because 70% to 80% would use protection, some would screen or some would take that risk to do the unprotected stuff eventually, and like I said, “some are like don’t ask don’t tell.”
But tons of couples who are not married or paying for it, will go through this same process of having to get tested etc.
Because if I bang her and neither of us do drugs or drink, or during our time together does that mean that she will die with a DUI on her record. Some of the girls who party to hard if they participate in this will need rides to go to clients homes, and that is the case sometimes, I may know 1 or 2 girls out of the 15 or 20 girls I have been with that seemed high, it didn’t make the sex better, they stumbled a bit, but they usually know not to talk drugs with me.
The average john pays taxes whether it be through his family or through himself and they budget a girl once a week or once every 2 weeks etc.
How does a girl and me having a good time effect you negatively the way drinking 5 beers and a shot or 2 of vodka at a bar perfectly legal! Right great idea, and then crashing and killing or injuring someone, even ruining their day with the car accident.
And weed driving can sometimes cause DUI accidents depending on if they dabbed or smoked way too many joints or took edibles which hit you for 12 to 24 hours later unpredictably. It is an industry that should be regulated, and Christians should just shut up and hire them since no women can stand their version of Christianity, on their God which is imaginary.
Here’s Why You Don’t Sell Drugs At Work
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