The truth about Kanye plus Mp4 update on weight loss 4 Mp4s (What I am watching)
I got like the last 3 or 4 episodes in my room of Person of Interest, but I am going to start watching Seasons 14 and 15 of million dollar listing los angeles because I love that show, after I finish all those things if I can’t find something new, either game a lot, or rewatch Homeland, or entourage, or breaking bad etc.
And I am avoiding talking about sex a lot in my posts so if I vlog like here I can chat a little about it. Or joke about it. The 4 mp4 videos are all down below. It is a little slow etc.
Maybe Kanye is a cop and maybe he helps catch hoes that do cocaine and move drugs. Maybe he has his undercover cops he met throughout his career recruited him when he was only a musician and maybe the publicity stunt to be anti-sematic is just to attract more of those bad people into his life.
So, he can be an extreme artist and it’s almost like being the old eminem but more with drug dealing instead of rape and those topics eminem used. And not only that kanye probably has caught with a group of 100 officers or way more like 500 or more girls and guys in drug rings and even some other rings of other kinds.
It’s quite possible. So, if this is the truth about him that I feel may be the truth then let me believe what I want. And I’ll let you think he is a disturbed artist.
Lil Wayne slowed reverb playlist (or do the music last)
The Gummy Fireworm Challenge
I Built the rock from spongebob
Donnyj one kiss to fool you slowed reverb
New Subway Firely Meatball sub on ghost pepper bread
I Got Cat Eye Surgery
New KFC Original Recipe Chicken Tender Review
24 Hours of OSRS With Mr No Sleep
I’m 50 years old Japanese man struggling with midlife crisis. My Future is bleak
I bought 100 banned Amazon products
Overnight in the world’s most extreme hotels
You can watch the videos below enjoy. I was bored won’t do videos mp4s often just showing you a little how I live and how I think. Dirty mind dirty gabe!