Forgiving a Stubborn sponsor for his hateful ways (steps on forgiving conservative God fearing people) (imaginary Gods)

I will forgive my Christian brother who is very judgmental. He was my sponsor, but I may look for a new one close by. Do not like that he constantly threatens me with me returning to rehab because I speak my mind on the internet. It is not even remotely funny, he thinks atheism is terrible, and he thinks people expressing themselves or trying to be famous to help others are as bad as drug addicts who are literally killing themselves with drugs like fentanyl and heroine etc. Even if I was booked in a jail, I would have beaten the charge, and been forgiven and could have started my website over again and instead they gave me rehab which I was grateful for, but I do not like Steve as a friend he has to much hypocrisy in his life, Christians got that in spades usually. Basically he thinks fame is bad but he is such a hypocrite he loves Katt Williams (a true nut job) lmao. So imagine if Eminem and Drake and Katt Williams listened to everyone who told them “You should give up.” It just motivates me. If you get me a super model chick as my wife I will give up web design right now (damn Gabe really): The fans say.

I even told him some of the awful things I’ve said and how I’ve learned my lesson. He preaches God and the word of God still. Way too easy to make fun of. You can believe in God, but evolution is the truth in our schools and being secular is better. God let me down on my old website, I thought God was protecting my freedom of speech on conspiracies etc. I was stubborn, I rationalized nonsense, now that I have a clear head, I am making it more atheistic and fantasy at times, for hope to people who believe more can exist for everyone.

I cared about him deeply, so I left him with a message. And let me just say something difficult (you can get along with Christians or play along with people who are different and gel together in the moment) I do not think I could ever date a Christian girl for long, if she felt like I was wrong. I may have to even apologize if I ever share my website in the future, because maybe 20% or 30% of Orlando is conservative to the point of hatred on celebrities. So, throw stones at me, its okay, the police will protect me and put you in jail where you will learn your lesson. If Bill Burr, Chris Rock, Jay-Z, Eminem, etc. and all the people who uplift me motivate me to be famous, then I will be famous and help others on that path in any way I can.

But as soon as your time together is over, it is normal to dislike each other behind each other’s backs. Religion should be respected for what it is, giving people a purpose. But the moment you see the true side of religion because of what it did to me, it’s what showed me God wasn’t real. God wasn’t there to protect me with freedom of speech when I got baker acted.

God is Imaginary and it is bad to teach kids about God. In reality you should teach them a little of every religion and tell them people believe differently but school teaches evolution. I realize my speech gets monitored by not only my few million fans but also by local law enforcement. And even if they don’t always agree and they don’t all agree with each other they do know that I had to learn a hard lesson.

Making fun of Christians is part of my future stand up lol! Let’s hope Steve doesn’t show up in his 90s cussing me out and heckling. I like how Chris Rock handled heckles. “Yeah, boo if you want! You know I’m right!”

I have even felt that if we do not defend people for what they say, or their beliefs we should just all smoke crack and do heroine and not care about anything ever again. In reality conservatives the majority, want drug immunity, something a psychology teacher taught me in class. They want to be left alone and not be bothered by the police doing drugs, and they would hate my website because it bothers them that sobriety can exist and thrive. But I did laugh with Steve a lot and we had good times together, I will not forget him, but I hope I never go to that particular rehab ever again.

Could you imagine if I had left my website with the terrible content that was on it, in my bad state of mind, and it got taken down and my fans remembered me for my mental illness and, me never returning back to make a comeback. To prove to the world I am improving.

Some people wish to be super private, and I get that, but stop telling your friends Gabe is bad, don’t listen to him. If people want to be a fan of my work let them!

Currently not in school by the way because I am getting re-enrolled, but when I do, I may post less or even talk about projects I have done, not sure yet. I am actually a very boring person, I don’t believe people should live in fear, you should have positive change in your soul, and in your mind so to say, which can then dictate how you behave towards others in a more positive light.

Rest in peace to Toriyama died of an acute subdural hematoma at the age of 68. On March 1st, 2024. Good man making the best anime ever Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super, it is about evolution of power, and love, paganism reigns and atheism and agnostics survive lol. I shared a video of all of Goku’s transformations below.

Juice WRLD and XXXtentacion but they chill af Lofi Mix CHILLAF

All of Goku’s Transformations Bold Video love it best Anime ever Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super

Futurama Time Travel Song

A hundred Coffees Futurama

Jesse Pinkman’s Greatest Quotes Breaking Bad the hardest thing I had to do was to give breaking bad a break because of how intense it was, and to watch NCIS, which I do 2 hours or 3 a day since no school at the moment, and I play video games like 8 hours or more a day it depends, on and off back and forth.

Night Runner (Back to the 80’s Vocal synthwave/outrun music mix)

Sza and drake they are chillaf

SZA chill af again