Moving on from my past mistakes

Moving on from my past mistakes of hating people, and sometimes even black people, I like Don’t be a menace movie because it makes fun of everyone white peoples and Asians and black people. But of course there is friendly racism and there is mean racism.

I hope I can be forgiven for those mistakes. I would never be a rapist for sure, but I do know I joked to much about it, for trying to be like Eminem. I am so tired and bored right now.

I have been playing this Halo game non stop and Seinfeld and back and forth. I need to take a kolodopin to relax probably or maybe overcome the feeling and don’t take it.

I sometimes hear a little voice in the back of my head which is bad at times, depending on what I am doing. About my past, and how some people will never love me. But I do what I do for the people who I can help who love it, and who may be depressed. I am trying to be revolutionary in a way, because the bible has brainwashed many people, including me when I was younger. And if you believe in that old book you will justify racism, anger till the point of death and revenge, etc. It is a book of fairy tales.

I think one day my website and every other blog that was as strong as mine should be the hub for billions of people to look at, to remind them about humanity, flaws, mental health, and we can bring about a healthy revolution that isn’t violent, by convincing the reader of how our brains operate, by the way we talk etc. I would probably never profit until inheritance time, unless I found a rich benefactor or someone in the CIA but it is okay if it was free for the rest of my life, I just want to make people happy, and its okay if its not for you, exit out and move on. Take care.

Had I decided to ever quit or break from web design for a year or something like that, I would leave an apology up for past mistakes and explain the plan, or whatever, maybe when I start certain classes I become more coy or post less, I may be busy studying. I am convinced I may not pass a certain class because of the meds that I take, but I could be wrong. Hopefully they make an exception for my memory loss condition because of the antipsychotic I am on, that I need to take. I often wondered what it would be like if I just left the website alone and tried to get off the med without no one knowing, but that would be dangerous and I live alone with my dog, I need to relax and take my meds like a good boy. I am so used to the feeling of being a zombie that I have accepted its not a bad thing.

Best of Skeler Mix pt. 2 (it has rihannas umbrella in it)

If The Weeknd made lofi hip hop raido 3

If Kendrick Lamar made Lofi hip-hop (lofi beats to chill to)

Toontown rewritten Office Clerk Supervisor (both difficulties)

bucket Lost woods

This is how to clutch up in Onyx Lobbies (halo infinite)

Conan O’Brien Needs a Doctor While Eating spicy wings Hot Ones